Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hiking: Engelberg - Rugghubelhütte - Bannalp - Oberrickenbach

We took off this morning to do a hike round the Bannalp mountain behind Brunni. It was a foggy cold morning, but with an optimistic smile we checked in at the Brunni cable car at 9 AM. And we were rewarded. Just as we reached Rugghubelhütte, the sun came out of the clouds and gave us some view. And the hosts at Rugghubelhütte had just taken a plum pie out of the oven. Coffee break at mountain hut, swiss style.

Around the hut, there are tons with marmots. They are preparing for the winter, and look like overweight hares standing and looking at you. Funny little creatures. The hike continues up to the Rotgrätli pass at 2556 m, and then you walk along with beatiful views of the surrounding glaciers. We ended up at Chrüzhütte, had some bread and cheese and headed back to Engelberg with lift to Oberrickenbach, then bus to Wolfenschiessen and then train. It sounds worse than it is, the swiss public transport works great as always.

Time: 5 - 6 hours
Season: July - October

Difficulty: 3/5